فهرست و منابع تحقیق مقاله پاتوبیولوژی و پاتوفیزیولوژی روتاویروس
1.Diversity of Rotavirus Strains amony children with Acute Diarrhea in Chinal: 1998-2000 Surveillance Study. 2002 (jcn) Zhao- Jin fang.
2.VP4 and VP7 Genotyping of Rotavirus Samples Recovered from Infected children in Ireland over a 3-year Period. 1999 (jcm) Jim O’Mahony.
3.Detection and Characterization of Rotavirus G and P Types from children Participating in a Rotavirus Vaccine Trial in Belern, Brazil. 2002 (Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro) JDP Mascarenhas,
4.Human Rotavirus Subgroups and Serotypes in Children with Acute Gastroenteritis in Saudi Arabia from 1988 to 1992. 1994 (JMV) Khalid A. Mohammaed .
5.Distribution of Serotypes of Human Rotavirus in Dfferent Populations. 1992 (JCM) Patricia A. Woods.
6.Genotyping of Rotaviruses in Environmental water and stool samples in Southern Switzerland by Nucleotide Sequence Analysis of 189 Base Pairs at the 5’End of the VP7 Gene. 2000 (JCM) Franca Baggi.
7.Distribution of Human Rotavirus G Types Circulating in Paris, France, during the 1997- 1998 Epidemic: High prevalence of Type G4. 1999 (JCM)
8.Serotyping of Human Group A Rotaviruses in Nara Prefecture, Japan. 2003. (Jpn. J. infect. Dis) Yoshitera Kitahori.
9.Surveilliance of Rotaivrus Strains in the United States: Identification of Unusual Strains. 2000 (JCM) D.D.Griffin.
10.Epidemiological Patterns of Rotaviruses Causing Server Gastroenteritis in Young children throughout Australia form 1993 to 1996. 2001 (JCM) Ruth F. Bishop.
11.Comparative evaluation of coagglutination and agglutination test (Rotalex kit) for detection of rota virus. 1993 (JPGM) Mathur MS.
12.Detection of Rotavirus with a New Polyclonal Antibody Enzme Immunossay (Rotaymc II) and a Commercial Latex Agglutination test (Rotalex): Comparison with a Monoclonal Antibody Enzyme Immunoassay. 1986 (JCM) GARY V. DOERN.
13.Diversity of Rotavirus Serotypes in Mexican Infants with Gastroenteritis. 1990. (JCM) Luis Padilla-Noriega.
14.Epidemiological features of rotavirus infection in Goiania, Goias, Brazi, Form 1986 to 2000. 2003 (Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz) Divina das Dores de Paula Cardoso.
15.The Epidemiology and Burden of Rotavirus in Vietnam: Sentinel Surveillance at 6 Hospitals. 2001. (JID) Nguyen Van Man.
16.Epidemiology of Rotavirus infection in Thailand. 2000. (Pediatrics Internat. Ond) Niwat Maneekarn.
17.Epidemiology of Rotavirus Serotypes in Melbourne, Australia, from 1973 to 1989. 1991 (JCM) Ruth F. Bishop.
18.Serotype and Subgroups of Rotavirus Isoloated from children in Central Brazil. 2000 (J Health Nutr) Divina das Dores P. Cardoso.
19.Molecular Characterization of Rotavirus in Ireland: Detection of Novel Strains Circulating in Population. 2000. (JCM) F.O Hallorang.
20.Molecular and Serological Characterization of Group A Rotavirus Isolates obtained from Hospitalized children in Goiania, Brazil, 1998-2000. 2003 (Eur J Chin Microbiol infect Dis) M.B.L.D. Souza.
21.Rotavirus infection in Hong Kong: epidmiology and estimates of disease burden. 1998. (Epidemiol. Infect) P.K.S. CHAN.
22.G and P yetotypes of rotavirus circulating among children with diarrhea in the colombian northern coast. 2004. (International Microbiology) Delfina Urbina.
23. Expanding Global Distribution of Rotavirus Serotype G9: Detection in Libya, Kenya and Cuba. 2001. (Emerging infectious Diseases) Nigel A. Cunlifffe.
24.Rotavirus G and P Genotypes in Rural Ghana. 2001. (JCM) Richard H. Asmah, Jon Green.
25.Molecular Epidmiology of Human Group A Rotavirus Infections in the United Kingdom between 1995 and 1998. 2000. (JCM) Miren Iturriza- Gimara.
26.Unexpected detection of Animal VP7 Genes among common Rotavirus strains isolated children in Mexico. 2003. (JCM). A.R.Larid.
27.Analysis of Human Rotavirus G Serotype in Bangladesh by Enzyme- Linked Immunosorbent Assay and Polymerase chain Reaction. 1999.
(J diarrhoeal dis res) Mu Ahmed, MM Alam.
28.Changing Patterns of Rotavirus Genotypes in Ghana: Emergence of Human Rotavirus G9 as a Major Cause of diarrhea in children. 2003. (JCM). George E. Arnah.
29.Incidence and risk factors of Peadiatric rotavirus diarrhoeas in northern Ghana. 2003. (Tropical Medical and Internatioanl Health). The Narrongo Rotavirus Research Group.
30.Rotavirus G-Type Restriction, Persistences, and Herd Type Specificily in Swedish Cattle Hersd. 1999. (Clinical and diaynostic laboratory Immunology) K. de Verdier Klinyenberg.
31.Microarrays for Genotyping Human Group H Rotavirus by Multiplex Capture and Type-Specific Primer Extension. 2003. (JCM). Lovisa Lovmar, Caroline Fock.
32.VP4 and VP7 Genotyping of Rotavirus Samples Recoverd from Infected children in Ireland over a 3-year Period. 1999. (JCM). Jim O Mahony.
33.Diversity of Group A Human Rotavirus Types Circulating over a 4-year Period in Madrid, Spain. 2004. (JCM). Alicia Snchez-Fauquier.
34.Rotavirus Strain Diversity in Blantyre, Malawi, from 1997 to 1999. 2001 (JCM). N.A.Cunliffe.
35.Characterization by Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay Using Subgroup and Serotype-Specific Monoclonal Antibodies of Human Rotavirus Obtained from Diarrheic Patients in Bangladesh. 1989. (JCM). Muzahed Uddin Ahmed.
36.A Serotype 10 Human Rotavirus. 1992. (JCM). G. Beards, L.Xu,
37.Rotavirus: A Major Cause of childhood Morbidity and Mortality. 2000. (Water Conditioning and Parification). By Kelly A.Reynolds.
38.Ultrastructural Study of Rotavirus Replication and Localization of the Intermediate Capsid Protein VP6. 2003. (Iran Biomed. J). Shahin Ahmadian.
39.Comparison of Latex Agglutination with Enzyme Immunoassay for Detection of Rotavirus in Fecal Specimens. 2002. (Microbiology and Infectious Disease) Sonia M.Raboni, MD.
40.Rotavirus infection in infants and young children with acute gastroenteritis in the Islamic Republic of Iran. 1995. (Eatern Mediterranean Health J) Shahrzad Modarres. Shahab Modarres.
41.Evaluation of Two Enzyme Immuno assays for detection of Human Rotavirus in Fecal Specimens. 2001. (JCM) Bodo R. Eing.
42.P Genotype Identification of Human Group A Rotavirus. 2003. (Jpn. J. infec. Dis) Yumiko Inoue.
43. Comparative Growth of different Rotavirus strains in differentiated cells (MA 104, Hep G2, and CaCo-2). 1991. (Virology). Noritosh Kitamoto.
44.Survey of Human Group C Rotaviruses in Japan during the Winter of 1992 to 1993. 1998. (JCM). Mitsutaka Kuzuya.
45.Human Group B Rotavirus Infections Cause Severs diarrhea in children and Adults in Bangladesh. 2003. (JCM) Takeshi Sanekata.
46.Typing og human rotaviruses: Nucleotide mismatches between the VP7 gene and primer are associated with genotyping failure. 2005. (Virology J) Mustafizur Rahman.
47.Epidmiological aspects of rotavirus infection in Ahwaz, Iran. 2005. (Population and Health Infoshare). Alireza Samarbafzadeh.
48.Genotyping of group A rotarirus sample from Brazilian children by prob hybridization. 2001. (Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biologycal Re) D.D.P.Cardoso.
49.Evaluation of two commercial kits for Rapid detection of Human Rotavirus in Feces: Rotalex, A Latex ayglutination Test and Rotavirus ELISA kit. 1985. (Acta path. Microbiol. Immunol. Scand. Sect). Annette Jensen.
50.Rotavirus Serotypes: Classification and Improtance in Epidemiology, Immunity, and Vaccine Development. 2000. (J Health popul Nutr). Yasutaka Hoshino.
51.First Report from the Asian Rotavirus Sarveillance Network. 2004.(Emerging infectious dieseases). Joseph Bresee.
52.Isolation and Characterization of Dually Reactive Strains of Group A Rotavirus from Hospitalized Children. 2003. (JCM). Sujata S.Ranshing.
53.Rotavirus. 1998. (Emerging Infectious Diseases). Umesh D. Parashar.
54.Detection of Rotavirus in Faeces using a simple Dipstick system with monoclonal Antibodis and colloidal Gold. 1995. (Revista Biotecnologia Aplicada). Daisy Fernandezl.
55.Diarrhea Due to Rotavirus and Probability of sewage contamination 1992. (Journal of Islamic Academy of Sciences). S.A.KHAN.
56.1998-1999 Rotavirus Seasons in Juiz de For a, Minas Gerais, Brazil: Detection of an Unusual G3P[4] Epidemic Strain. 2002. (JCM). Maria Luzia Rosa e Silva.
57.Report of the Australian Rotavirus Surveillance Program 2002-03. 2003. (Annual report CDI). Carl D Kirkwood.
58.Antigenic and Genomic Diversity of Human Rotavirus VP4 in two Consecutive Epidemic Seasons in Mexico. 1998. (JCM). Luis Padilla.
59.Identification of Human Rotavirus Strains with the P[14] Genotype by PCR. 1999. (JCM). Serenella Arista.
60.Epidemiology of Rotavirus Electropherotypes Determined by a simplified Diagnostic Technique with RNA Analysis. 1985. (JCM). Kathleen T. Dolan.
61.Flow Cytometry Detection of Infectious Rotavirus in Environmental and Clinical Samples. 1998. (AEM). F. Xavier Abad.
62.Araceli Rodriguez Castillo, Andres Velasco Villa, Jose Ernesto Ramirez Gonzalez, Elvira Margen Pimentel, Martin Melo Munguia, Benita Diaz de Jesus, Hiram Olivera Diaz, and Herlinda Garcia Lozano. (2000). VP4 and VP7 Genotyping by Reverse Transcription – PCR of Human Rotavirus in Mexican children with Acute Diarrhea. Journal of Clinical Microbiology, Vol. 38, No. 10, P. 3876-3878.
63.V.L.A.James, P.R. Lambden, E.O.Caul, and I.N.Clarke. (1998) Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay Based on Recombinant Human Group C Rotavirus Inner Capsid Protein (VP6) to Detect Human Group C Rotaviruses in Fecal Sample. Journa of Clinical Microbiology, Vol. 36, No.11, P.3178-3181.
64.Paul J Masendycz, Enzo A Palmbo, Greame L Barmes, Ruth F Bishop. (1999). Rotavirus diversity: What surveillance will tell us. CDI. Vol 23. No 7.
65.M.H. Arguelles, G.A.Villegas, A.Castello, A.Arbarmi, P.D.Ghirighelli, L. Semorile, and G.Glikmann. (2000). VP7 and VP4 Genotyping of human Group A Rotavirus in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Journal of Clinical Microbiology. Vol. 38, No.1, P.252-259.
66.Tokoyo Nakagomi, Yasuo Horie, Yumi Koshimure, Harry B. Greenberg, and Dsamu Nakagomi. (1999). Isolation of a Human Rotavirus Strain with a super-short RNA Pattern and a New P2 Subtype. Journal of Clinical Microbiology, Vol.37, No.4, P.1213-1216.
67.Jacek Z.Mrukowicz, Juliette Thompson, George W.Reed, Sharon J.Tollefson, Masaaki Kobayashi, Kozuko Araki, Peter F.Wright. (1998). Epidemiology of rotavirus in infants and protection against symptomatic illenss afforded by primary infection and vaccination. Vaccine 17, 145-153.
68.MARIE RIEPE NHOFF-TALTY, KAREN MORSE CHEN HUI WANG, CAREN SHEPIRO, JENNIFER ROBERTS, MARK WELTER, MICHELLE ALLEN, MARY JO EVANS, AND THOMAS D. FLANACAN. (1991). Epidemiology of Group C Rotavirus Infection in Western NewYork Women of childbearing Age. Journal of Clinical Microbiology. P.486-488.
69.Barbara S.Coulson, Jon R. Gentsch, Bimal K. Das, M.K.Bhan, and Roger I.Glass. (1999). Comparison of Enzyme Immunoassay and Reverse Transcriptase PCR for Identification of Serotype G9 Rotavirus. Journal of Clinical Microbiology, Vol.37, No.10, P.3187-3193.
70.F.Bon, C.Fromantin, S.Aho, P.Pothier, E.Kohli, and The Azay Group. (2000). G and Genotyping of Rotavirus strains Circulating in France over a Three-year Period: Detection of G9 and P[G] strains at Low Frequencies. Journal of Clinical Microbiology, Vol.38, No.4, 1681-1683.
71.Charlie Blumer, Paul Roche, Carl Kirkwood, Ruth Bishop, Grame Barnes. (2003). Surveillance of viral pathogens in Australial. CDI, Vol. 27, No 4.
72.Norma Santos, Rita C.C. Lima, Claudio F.A. Pereira, and Vera Gouvea. (1998). Detection of Rotavirus Types G8 and G10 among Brazilian Children with Diarrhea. Journal of Clinical Microbiology. Vol. 36, No. 9, P. 2127-2129.
73.RICHARD G.WYATT, HARVEY D. JAMES, JR. , ANNIE L. PITTMAN, YASUTAKA HOSHINO, HARRY B.GREENBERG. ANTHONY R.KALICA, JORGE FIORES, AND ALBERT Z.KAPITIAN. (1983). Direct Isolation in cell culture of Human Rotaviruses and Their Characterization into Four serogypes. Journal of Clinical Microbiology, Vol.18, No.2, P.310-311.
74.Magali Mathieu, Isabelle Petitpas, Jorge Navaza, Jean Lepault, Evelyne Kohli, Pierre Pothier, B.V.Venkataram Prasad, Jean Cohen, and Felix A.Rey. (2001). Atomic structure of the magor capsid protein of rotavirus: implication for the architecture of the virion. The EMBO Journal, Vol. 20, No. 7, PP.1485-1497.
75.Albert Bosch. (1998). Human enteric viruses in the water environment: a miniver view . INTENTAL MICEOBIOL, I: 191-196.
76. Paul. J.Masendycz, Enzo A. Palmbo. (2001). Genetic relatedness of VP1 genws of Australian and Taiwanese rotaivirus isolates. FEMS Microbiology Letters 198, 147-150.